20 Google New SEO Strategies to Improve Search Rankings
Last updated on May 29th, 2024 at 05:08 pm
Ranking high in organic search results takes a significant amount of time and effort. Regardless of your niche, some standard SEO techniques can help you design your strategy to bring some excellent outcomes. The best part of these SEO strategies is, they are DIY.
Hence, depending on the size and nature of your website, you can prioritize these actions to save time and design a stepwise strategy. Below are 20 of the updated Google’s SEO strategy to get you accelerated in 2024 and beyond.
1. Optimize Titles & Headings
Title tags weigh the highest in search engine optimization. Hence, make sure to place your keywords there along with your posts. Target an essential keyword and put it closer to the beginning, the better. Also, include a keyword in the heading of the post. H1 is critical as it is the first-placed thing on your page. So, add your desired keyword in the title and heading to let search engines pick it well when overlooked.
2. Prioritize Pages ForWebsite Navigation
Site navigation is an essential factor in your performance. A well-navigated site links better to other pages and gives weight to every required post cleanly and accurately. Moreover, try to navigate your most important and optimized pages that contain the most targeted keywords into the navigation menu.
3. Implement On-site Tracking
Tracking your site’s performance is critical in every aspect as it will direct you to spot issues, monitor organic traffic, manage rankings, and notify you if your site gets penalized due to some problems. Google Search Console and Google Analytics can be used to monitor your site’s analytics. Install them on your CMS as a plugin as they are authentic and easy to use.
4. Install an SSL Certificate

SSL certificates are mandatory to secure your site. It will secure the confidential data on your website and prevent your site from cyber-attacks, harmful linking, and blocking spam and bad IPs. Your hosting service provider can help you to get an SSL domain.
5. Secure Maps Listing
Using Google My Business will provide your site with a higher value. By adding a map listing, you can get listed on Google’s local business server. Also, it will be going to link back to your site. This will make your website more visible and rank better. First, create a listing then have its ownership. Fill in details accurately and add some beautiful pictures to build the trust of your customers.
6. Compress & Optimize Images
Visuals can occupy huge space on-site data and servers. Also, they take a longer time to load. Hence, this increases site loading time and bounce rates as well. The reason is, that loading time impacts your conversions, we recommend you compress their size without compromising on the quality of the image, so it looks good on screen without taking more time to load.
7. Increase Site Speed
Instead of visuals, many other elements contribute to the site loading time. There may be database queries, PHP conflicts, or other backend issues that enhance loading time. Try to limit your plugins by eliminating unnecessary installations to improve your loading speed and time.
8. Interlink Pages with Keyword Rich Anchor Texts
“One of the most effective SEO strategies is interlinking”; says, Jaden Abby, King Essay. Link your relevant pages with anchor texts as it is better than backlinks and you can have full control over it. Hence, always make sure to interlink your essential pages on your site. Update old posts and refresh them as per your strategy.
9. Link to Relevant, Authority Websites
You have to share other sites’ links to get your website with better SEO. Google works on backlinks, and you need to make sure it finds your content good enough to rank it better by linking to good authority sites on your posts.
10. Secure Social Media Profiles
Social media profiles are an ideal way of getting the right amount of visitors and initial backlinks on your site. Some popular social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn can be utilized to get a healthy customer base. Also, depending on your niche, there may be other sites like Tumbler, Medium, Quora, or Reddit that may be beneficial for your business.
11. Increase the Shareability of Pages & Posts
Get your posts viral on social media. Even after reading your blog, people may not bother to share it. Hence you have to encourage and facilitate them with a share button on your page. Moreover, adding a clear CTA at the end or start of your post will get you more chances of Shareability. Lock some additional PDFs to improve your site shares.
12. Share Other People’s Content
Share other people’s exciting content on your site and get your content shared on their site as well. This will be a win-win approach, and you will be benefited organically. Guest posts are a better option to get do-follow links.
13. Ask Friends and Customers for Reviews

“Always get your customers to leave you feedback,” says; Savannah Jake, Premium Jackets. This will impact your site ranking, and your business will be more trustworthy and valuable. Consider offering the right quality products and services to get good reviews. Ask your friends to leave a review on social media and Google My Business as well. When you get a satisfied customer, ask them to post feedback in real time.
14. Custom Design 404 Errors
As your site grows, you are likely to get more than 404 errors. Landing on those 404 pages by your visitors will cost you big money as they will get irritated and inevitably leave. Hence to avoid the issue, design a customized error page with a CTA on it.
15. Post Fresh & High-Quality Content
The more fresh content you will post, the more organic traffic you will get. Post unique and plagiarism-free content regularly to get a boost in your rankings and traffic and get on the first page of search engines.
16. Update Existing Content
Go for keyword cannibalization by upgrading existing content for a different keyword. Add new content to an existing post and get it optimized. Get a bunch of blockbuster topics and start updating accordingly.
17. Repurpose Existing Content
New search traffic can be easily obtained by repurposing existing content. Build it into a PDF, Podcast, or newsletter; get the benefit of your efforts in every possible way. Share it directly on social media stories to get proper exposure and leads.
18. Make Website Mobile Friendly

80% of people use mobile devices for searching purposes. Hence make your site responsive so that it can be seen from every device. Google has moved to a mobile-first indexing process, so it is good for your ranking as well.
19. Invest in Advertorials No-follow Backlinks
Nofollow links eliminate all risks of hiding advertising links. You don’t have to keep your site protected under informative content, and hence, you can promote your site by giving value to the reader. Thus, the more traffic you get, the more beneficial for your website so invest in quality instead of quantity.
20. Acquire Competitors’ Backlinks
Backlinks are hard to get, but they are worth having. It is not easy to find a link-building opportunity. However, your off-page SEO strategy will let you know how to get some high-quality backlinks that are guaranteed to work.
Backlinks enable you to identify those sites that are prone to share the content of your industry. Even if you purchase a link, you can make sure it will work in the ranking with your competitors.
Get Set Go!
In the end, you may have read some of the above ways before, but the question is; have you tried it before? If not, then start implementing today! Not every SEO strategy is easy to incorporate on your website; still, making an effort will let you rip the fruit in the long term. Hence, all of the above tricks will help you to improve your site’s SEO without putting it at risk of getting penalized. And most importantly, you will not be going to need an expert to get all of them done. Good luck!