Write For Us

We’re always on the lookout for technical writers, bloggers, marketers, and developers to share their ideas and contribute to our community.

Share Your Expertise with WebPrecious

We’re seeking collaborations with passionate writers and industry leaders to share their expertise by crafting impactful articles on trending topics. We welcome all the bloggers who want to build their profile and want to contribute articles to our blog. Before proceeding, please check out the guidelines:

Guest Post Guidelines to Follow

Topic: Web Design & Development, WordPress, Business, Marketing, eCommerce, Blogging, Technology all our niche topics.

Words: We accept posts ranging between 1500 to 5000 words.

Plagiarism: We don’t accept spun or copied content. We use CopyScape to check each article before publishing.

Quality: For us, quality is the most important thing. We want only original articles that are exclusively for our blog. Anything copied or rewritten will not be published at Web Precious.

Links: Don’t use this contribution opportunity for building backlinks/mentions for your clients. We only allow one link within the author’s bio, the rest of them will be removed or replaced by our team. For link building, you need to ask for sponsored posting.

Images: As we all know, visuals are important for attracting more visitors, hence we require 2-5 images including a Featured Image (Size: 1350*900) which are free from any copyright. This means we require original images for posts.

Meta Desciption: To make your content SEO optimized we must require a Meta Desciption (155-160 characters) from you.

We Reserve Our Rights

– Our editors hold the right to edit your article. We can reject your article that is non-relevant or violates our guidelines.

– Any link will be removed or marked as nofollow from the article if our editors don’t find it appropriate enough.

– Once your article is approved or published on WebPrecious, you can’t re-publish it anywhere else.

Why Contribute at Web Precious?

Guest posts are only for those bloggers, writers, and marketers who want exposure and their only purpose is to build their portfolio. By contributing here, you will get exposure as most of our readers are entrepreneurs, marketers, developers, etc.

So, are you ready? Just email us at: webpreecious[@]gmail[.]com and we will get back to you soon.